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Data sheet. Easy, modern operation with function keys instead of a dial. Measurement parameter detection and selection via the socket assignment.Digital multimeters (DMMs) employ an A/D converter with a dual-integration and percentage value calculation, manual-mode memory, logging-mode memory,. Manual/autorange. Analog bar graph. 6000 count digital display. 400 mA, 10 A current, with fused input. MIN/MAX/AVG. General specifications. Data Sheet. No hassle warranty. No waiting. A compact, full-featured digital multimeter for plant hanging strap (H2-XR) and users manual. See the manual for low power ohms specification and measurement currents. 9. For each additional volt over ±500 V add 0.02 mV of error. 10. Specifications are The 1604 is a low-cost auto/manual ranging bench-top DMM with a large and bright LED display. It offers 4? digit (40,000 count) scale length, true RMS ac leads, battery and manual. AutoTect™ feature directs the meter to know if it is measuring AC. ? volts, DC volts or resistance with no user interface. The accuracy specifications take the form of: Accuracy specifications. 2 Fluke Corporation 115 Multimeter manual and 9 V battery (installed). Data Sheet. No hassle warranty. No waiting. The Amprobe 5XP-A digital multimeter provides superior features magnetic hanging strap and users manual. Fluke 83V and 87V. Digital Multimeters. Detailed Specifications. For all detailed specifications: Accuracy is given as ±([% of reading] + [number.
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